K1 Admission Formalities
Method for getting an application form
- School website
- School General Office
- Postal letters
Methods to submit the application form
- School General Office
- Postal letters
Time and Date for submitting the application form
1. Date: 1st September, 2022 (Wednesday) to 1st November, 2022 (Monday)
2. Time: Monday to Friday (9 am – 5 pm) / Saturday (9 am – 12 pm)
3. Application fees: HKD 40 (submitted together with the application form). Please note, if, unfortunately, the application is rejected, the school will not refund the application fees.
Application method
Once the application is filled, please bring along the form with relevant documents listed below (please note that the school starts accepting application in September and holds interviews in November).
教育局收生安排指引 | Admission Arrangements for Nusery(K1) Classes in Kindergarten
1. Birth Certificate (if the origin of birth is not Hong Kong, please bring a along passport and visa of the applicant)
2. One ID size photo
3. “4×9” size of envelopes (please write down student name, students address and stick the postage stamps on the envelopes in advance)
4. Immunization record of the applicant
5. HKD 40 (application fee)
Registration certificate for kindergarten classes
- Parents need to help their children apply for the registration certificate through EDB. You may apply this certificate during September, 2021. EDB website has detail elaboration on how you may apply.
Guidance Notes on Application/ Application Form
Successful application rationalities
1. Interview performance
2. Leverage if the new applicant has a brother/sister studying in our school
3. In case, the applicant is applying for a full day class, the school might give a seat in that class if the student has family problems (Please note, due to the limited seats, not all students would be given a sear in the full day class)
Interview application procedure
A. The interview will take place in school, while the availability can be effectively discussed among the parents and the responsible teachers
B. The interview method would be either be one – one basis or a small group games
C. In case the student is unable to adjust to the new environment; the school allows parents to accompany their children
D. The interview would be conducted in Cantonese
E. HOWEVER, if the student is a Non-Chinese Student (NCS), the parents are allowed to apply for an English translation
Interview Results
For successful interviews, the school would call or send a postal letter on or before
17th December, 2021.
Formal registration procedure
1. For successful applicants, parents are ought to come to school at any time during 6th– 8th January, 2021, to complete registration. Parents need to bring along registration certificate and deposit on that day.
2. Waiting list: The school will inform parents on or after 8th January, 2021, in case of any vacancy. On the day of registration, the parents need to bring along the registration certificate & HKD 950 for deposit.
3. Important note: Please note, if you are unable to provide the registration certificate during the registration period. The school will not be able to complete registration process.
4. In case a successful applicant wishes to deter to other schools after the registration process, parents are required to send a formal letter to the school requesting for the registration certificate. Once the registration is returned, the school will assume the parents to have given up the seat.
For inquiry:
Telephone: 2191 5488
Email: [email protected]