性質: | 非牟利幼稚園 |
招收級別: | 幼兒班-K1(2016年12月至2017年11月出生) 幼低班-K2(2015年12月至2016年11月出生) |
上課時間: | 上午班 – 上午9時00分至中午12時00分 下午班 – 下午1時40分至4時40分 |
學費: | 本園參加教育局「免費優質幼稚園教育計劃」,2019-2020年度扣除政府資助後,學費每期為HK$163 (全年共11期) |
預備文件: | 請確定以下文件,齊備才進入網上報名系統,否則不能完成報名程序。 1. 證件照 2. 出生證明書 3. 報名費:港幣(HK$)40元正 |
付款方法~透過信用卡VISA或MasterCard或American Express於網上經PayPal繳交。此費用一經繳交不設退款,敬請留意。
報名方法: | 網上申請 (不設名額上限) *系統將於10月1日開放 登入以下網站連結網上報名系統進行網上申請 本園網頁或按此連結網上報名系統。 (連同證件照、出生證明書一併上載。手機版設有即時拍攝功能,上載相片及文件必須完整無缺,清楚顯示申請者容貌及文件內容,否則不獲受理。) |
聯絡方法: | 有關入學申請、面見安排及取錄結果,本園將以電郵方式通知,請定時查閱郵件以接收最新訊息。請將本園電郵地址[email protected]加入閣下聯絡名單,以免本園所發出的郵件被置於垃圾郵件中。 |
面見形式: | 1.全部申請人均安排面見 2.家長陪同兒童參與面見 |
收生準則: | 申請人的兄姊為本園現讀園生或父母為本園員工(優先考慮) |
備註: | 1.如需更新「入學申請表」的資料,請於10月25日前按此 更新資料。 2.如報名程序出現問題,請致電2336 6090向樓小姐查詢。 |
報名、截止、面見、公布及註冊日期: | ||
級別 | 幼兒班(K1) | 幼低班(K2) |
報名日期 | 2019年10月1日上午9:00開始 | 2020年1月6日上午9:00開始 |
截止日期 | 2019年10月25日下午11:59結束 | 2020年2月6日下午11:59結束 |
面見日期 | 2019年11月16、17、23、24日 | 2020年4月25日 |
面見日期及時間由園方安排 | ||
公布日期 | 2019年12月20日 | 2020年5月30日 |
註冊日期 | 2020年1月9日至11日 | 2020年6月6日 |
– 本園沒有提供校車服務
– 每年8月本園會派發新學年褓母車營運商的資料予本園園生及即將入讀本園的新生,
– 由於本園在褓母車服務只屬中介角色,褓母車路線能否提供服務,均取決於個別褓母車
– 本園設有「褓母車委員會」每學年監管褓母車服務質素。
1. 政府由2017/18學年起落實推行「免費優質幼稚園教育計劃」(下稱「計劃」),每名可在
2. 家長須於2019年9月至11月期間為子女向教育局申請「幼稚園入學註冊證」(下稱「註冊證」)。
¹ 非本地兒童(例如持有擔保書的兒童,其父或母是持有學生簽證的兒童等)須獲得入境事務處處長
註 册 安 排:
1. 正選生:家長須於2020年1月9日至11日(「統一註册日期」)內的指定時間到本園辦理
2. 備取生:本園會以電郵通知,請家長於指定日期到本園辦理註冊手續,並須提交「註冊證」
3. 家長請留意,如未能在指定的註冊日期提交「註冊證」/「入學許可書」,本園或未能為獲
4. 2020/21學年的註冊費為港幣970元正。如有關兒童入讀本園,本園會於若9月退回註冊費,
Information on Admission to K1 Classes in the 2020/21 School Year
Type: | Non-profit-making kindergarten |
Enrollment Intake: | Nursery K1 (Born: December 2016 to November 2017) Lower Kindergarten K2 (Born: December 2015 to November 2016) |
Class Times: | Morning AM class 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Afternoon PM class 1:40 pm – 4:40 pm |
School Fee: | Our school is a participant under the Education Bureau “Free Quality Kindergarten Education scheme”. School fee for 2019-20 was HKD $163 per installment (11 installments per year) after deduction from government subsidy. |
Document Preparation: | Please prepare the following documents for our online application process (incomplete submissions will not be reviewed): 1. A passport photo 2. Birth certificate 3. Application Fee: HKD $40 (non-refundable) |
Payment Method: Online PayPal payment using VISA/MASTERCARD/AMERICAN EXPRESS. Please note that application fee is non- refundable once payment is through.
Application Method: | Online application begins 1st October (No quota) The online application can be found on our school website http://www.soka.edu.hk or can be accessed directly at https://hk.ekinder.com.hk/soka_application.php (Birth certificate and passport photo should be uploaded together. Photo of birth certificate and passport photo can be taken using the instant camera function on the mobile version website. Uploaded documents are required to be readable and passport photo must be clearly in focus showing the applicant’s face. Applications with unclear photos and documents will not be reviewed.) |
Contact details: | Information regarding the application process, interview date, and admission results will be notified via email. Please check inbox regularly for updated information and add school’s email([email protected]) to contact list to avoid any emails being redirected to junk/spam inbox. |
Interview Arrangements: | 1. All applicants will be interviewed by our school. 2. Parents are required to accompany their child/children to the interview. |
Admission Criteria: | Applicants who are children of our staff members or currently have sibling(s) studying at our school are given priority consideration. |
Note: | 1. Amendments to applications can be made by accessinghttps://hk.ekinder.com.hk/soka_application.php no later than 31st October. 2. If you are experiencing technical difficulties using our online application system, please call Ms. Lau 2336 6090 for queries. |
Dates to Remember: | ||
Program | Nursery (K1) | Lower Kindergarten (K2) |
Online application period(Start) | Starts: October 1st, 2019 9:00 am | Starts: January 6th, 2020 9:00 am |
Online application period(Ends) | Ends: October 25th, 2019 11:59 pm | Ends: February 6th, 2020 11:59 pm |
Interview dates | November 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th, 2019 | April 25th, 2020 |
Interview date and time will be scheduled by our school. | ||
Admission results | December 20th, 2019 | May 30th, 2020 |
Registration | January 9th -11th, 2020 | June 6th, 2020 |
Nanny Bus Service:
-Our school does not provide nanny bus service.
-In August of each year, information regarding nanny bus service will be provided to our current and prospective students. The information includes nanny bus providers that have been serving our school, contact details and price list.
-Our school acts as a medium in referring nanny bus service. Please note that whether certain routes are serviced depend on the nanny bus service provider. Before school starts, parents are advised to have made arrangements in sending and picking up your child to and from school on time.
-Our school has a “Nanny Bus Committee”. The committee holds meetings every term to regulate and review the quality and service of nanny bus service.
Application for the Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission”:
1. From 2017-18, the Education Bureau has implemented the “Free Quality Kindergarten Education Scheme” (hereafter referred to as “Scheme”). Each child who is eligible to study in Hong Kong will be issued a registration document. Kindergartens under the “Scheme” can only admit child/children holding a valid registration document.
2. From September – November, 2019, parents are required to apply for the “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” (hereafter referred as “RC”) to the EDB. Applications for the “RC” will begin in September and the EDB will announce and upload the details of application forms on the EDB’s website (https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/edu-system/preprimary-kindergarten/kindergarten-k1-admission-arrangements/index-2.html#RC) in due course. Upon receipt of the applications with all necessary information and documents provided, the EDB will generally take six to eight weeks to complete processing of applications and issue the “RC” by post. If a child cannot obtain an “RC” as he/she can receive education in Hong Kong but is not eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme1, the EDB will then issue a “Kindergarten Admission Pass” (hereafter referred to as “AP”) to the child concerned for registration and admission to a Scheme-KG but the parents concerned are required to pay full school fees before deduction of subsidy under the Scheme as shown on the Fees Certificate of the kindergarten to which the child is admitted.
1. Upon obtaining permission from the Director of Immigration, non-local children (such as children holding a form of recognizance, children whose parent(s) is/are holding a student visa, etc.) can receive education in Hong Kong but they are not eligible for subsidy under the Scheme.
Registration Arrangements:
1. Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from January 9th-11th, 2020 (“Centralised Registration Dates”) by submitting the original of the “RC”/”AP” to our kindergarten and paying the registration fee.
2. Applicants on the waiting list: Notified via email, parents should complete the registration procedures for their child according to the specified date set by the school. Parents are required to submit the original of the “RC/”AP” to our kindergarten and pay the registration fee.
3. Please be reminded that if parents cannot submit the “RC”/”AP” during registration, our kindergarten may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents must submit application for the “RC” or other valid registration documents to the EDB within the specified period.
4. The registration fee for 2020-21 K1 place is HKD $970. Should parents decide to enroll their child/children to our kindergarten, registration fee will be refunded in September. However, should parents decide to change school after registration, please notify us in writing. Our school will return the “RC”/”AP” but the registration fee will not be refunded. Upon obtaining the “RC/AP“, we will no longer keep the school place for your child/children.
資料夾 | HK$57.20 | 補充學習教材 | HK$283.70 | 茶點 | HK$405.00 | 合計 | HK$745.90 |
EVI Services Limited於1999年成立,是首間成功帶動學前教育機構實踐網上教學的資訊科技教育公司,亦一直是本港學前教育市場上最大型的資訊科技服務供應商。EVI設有「EVI Garten自主探索學習天地」及「eKinder教學及行政平台」,內容涵蓋教學資源、校本課程、各類動畫故事及家長資訊等,全面照顧園校老師、家長及學童的需要,現時已為超過三百間幼稚園及六萬個家庭提供服務。
EVI Services Limited於1999年成立,是首間成功帶動學前教育機構實踐網上教學的資訊科技教育公司,亦一直是本港學前教育市場上最大型的資訊科技服務供應商。EVI設有「EVI Garten自主探索學習天地」及「eKinder教學及行政平台」,內容涵蓋教學資源、校本課程、各類動畫故事及家長資訊等,全面照顧園校老師、家長及學童的需要,現時已為超過三百間幼稚園及六萬個家庭提供服務。
EVI Services Limited於1999年成立,是首間成功帶動學前教育機構實踐網上教學的資訊科技教育公司,亦一直是本港學前教育市場上最大型的資訊科技服務供應商。EVI設有「EVI Garten自主探索學習天地」及「eKinder教學及行政平台」,內容涵蓋教學資源、校本課程、各類動畫故事及家長資訊等,全面照顧園校老師、家長及學童的需要,現時已為超過三百間幼稚園及六萬個家庭提供服務。
EVI Services Limited於1999年成立,是首間成功帶動學前教育機構實踐網上教學的資訊科技教育公司,亦一直是本港學前教育市場上最大型的資訊科技服務供應商。EVI設有「EVI Garten自主探索學習天地」及「eKinder教學及行政平台」,內容涵蓋教學資源、校本課程、各類動畫故事及家長資訊等,全面照顧園校老師、家長及學童的需要,現時已為超過三百間幼稚園及六萬個家庭提供服務。
(1) 九龍深水埗南昌街72號兆昌大廈1樓A及B舖
(2) 九龍深水埗南昌街72號兆昌大廈1樓C舖
(3) 九龍深水埗大南街221號地下
(4) 九龍深水埗南昌街72號兆昌大廈地下A2及B舖